Monday, April 02, 2007

In the life and times of...

Last night, I was thinking about writing in my journal. I had a few thoughts run through my mind:

1- I really wanted to write on my computer, but I thought better of it (computers are not allowed after we go to bed)
2- I really wanted to express some of my feelings in a written matter
3- I really don't want to send out a journal (to everyone) with some personal feelings

So I kind of decided to do a small experiment. Most of the time that I want to write in my journal, it is late at night. I do have some journal pages that I had left over from my mission, so I thought that I could put some of my personal feelings on those pages, and if I felt inclined to do so, I could put some of my secular history on the computer and send that out. Just as Nephi did of old, I will divide up my history in two parts, in two books.

So I started that last night. It felt really good to put some thoughts down on paper. It will be good to look back and see some of my thoughts as I go through my life. I hope that I can keep it up.

On the other side, though, I need to start with my day-to-day life. I hope to have a version ready pretty soon.


At 2:10 PM, Blogger Alice said...

I thought I saw you writing during one of my fuzzy-brained-big-belly-induced-brief-awakenings.


At 8:33 PM, Blogger George said...

The two greatest journalists in the church were Wilford Woodruff and Spencer Kimball. Joseph for lots of reasons was one of the least. Your words will be priceless to those who come after you aside from your own interests.

At 6:10 PM, Blogger limes said...

journals are cool :-)


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